Why hello :) This is my first blog ever! It's pretty exciting if you ask me. This is a way to communicate and express myself in the ways I see God working. Sometimes its just small things but its evident that God is moving and working in our lifes! So here it goes!
I just went to a good friends wedding of mine which is a complete miracle in itself! Out of the billions of people in the world, God has blessed them with finding one another! LOVE <3!
At the end of the ceremony, my friend, Brit, looks at me and says "guess what I got the couple?" I was like what? I mean usually its something off the registry... Brit says so proudly,"A fire extinguisher!" HAHA! I said, "No way, I got them the same thing!" Yes great minds think alike; great minds who are also accident prone! Love it!
The reason I tell this story is because it's a. awesome and b. this dear friend just came back from doing mission's in East Asia. Her father ended up in the hospital while she was on her way back to the states. She had been gone for almost a year and God planned it perfectly that she would be able to be at the hospital with her dad. Well, the story gets better. I had text Brit and told her that I was praying for her and her family and that if she needed anything to let me know. (I did not know her number had been disconnected and given to someone else.) I received a text back that said, "Who is this?" and a random number had called me. I, of course, called this random nmber back and a young lady answered. She said, "Do I know you?" I said, "I don't think so." She went on to tell me that I had text her father's number and thought maybe I knew her. Her boyfriend was in the hospital but in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and will be leaving soon. She was so grateful for the text. I SAY HOW COOL! How cool that God knew that I would send that text thinking to Brit but to someone else in need. Even if it's something so small, I love it! Thank you God!
Welcome to blog world! That's a great story! Thanks for sharing!