Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Do you ever feel like you are not good enough? tall enough? skinny enough? pretty enough? smart enough? the list could go on and on.  Well today was one of those days for me.  A guy told me today that I was f*ing ugly.

I don't know if I have ever been told that.  I mean all people have different preferences and are attracted to others, but never has anyone been so mean.

I try to brush things off, but this was something that really hurt.  Something that someone said... made me feel so terrible inside.  It wasn't until I thought about how God created us in his image.  How God created us so special, so unique and so beautiful.  He made us exactly the way we were suppose to be.  How could I let someone's hateful words affect me when the ONE and ONLY GOD made me and loves me no matter what.  I think of this chapter:

Genesis 1:27 (Whole Chapter)
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them

*Words of hate and anger do not come God.  Negative thoughts and feelings do not either.  God loves us all and we are his beloved.

Here is a song that I love and just talks about seeking God's presence.
Song of Soloman 6:3
3 I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine...

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